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Showing posts from January, 2023

The God Realm

The god realm is the opposite to the hell realm that we looked at last week. This realm is the most difficult to take rebirth in, whereas hell is the easiest. That is because we have a tendency to be self grasping and do negative actions to benefit ourselves, rather than doing things to benefit others. Society today glorifies selfish, greedy people and ways of living, which exacerbates these tendencies and makes it impossible to take rebirth in a god realm. We need a massive amount of positive karma to be able to be born in a higher realm. This means we have to spend most of, if not all of our time benefiting others, instead of always trying to fulfill our own desires. We need to engage in virtuous actions such as giving, having patience, wishing others to be happy and so forth. The more time we spend helping others the better our chances of being born in the god realm in the future will be. There are three levels of the god realm, which are desire, form and formless. Desire lev...

Avoiding Lower Rebirth Meditation

We want to avoid taking rebirth in one of the lower realms in the future. The suffering in the animal, hungry ghost and hell realms is far worse than what we endure in this human life. We also have no chance to make spiritual progress in those rebirths, as our suffering will be too great to bear. Negative karma causes us to take rebirth in the animal realm, heavier negative karma will cause us to end up in the hungry ghost realm and the heaviest negative karma we engage in will cause us to be born in hell. It is very easy for us to gain negative karma in this very lifetime. Simply squatting a mosquito in anger can create the cause to be reborn in hell. In this life and all our previous lives we have done many bad actions. We know this is true because of the difficulties we go through in our lives now. We need to do our best to change our impulses to behave badly, so we do not give ourselves even more negative karma. We can meditate to make our mind familiar with the danger of doing...

Hell Realm

There seems to be some strange trend that people refuse to believe a place like hell exists. Some people think this is a fear based teaching devised by unscrupulous religions. Some are therefore in denial about it, wanting to keep their heads in the clouds and pretending that life is perfectly happy and nothing ever goes wrong. Strange way to think, because they are usually devastated when anything really bad happens in their life, betrayed by their pollyannish thinking. I am not teaching these things to try to put fear into you, rather I am teaching these because I love you and do not want you to suffer. A hell realm would be the worst rebirth filled with suffering with no relief, that you could take. I want to help prevent you from ever going there, again. Yes, again. The idea that you have one life, and at the end of it you either go to heaven or hell and spend eternity there is wrong. First of all eternity is forever, so that is impossible because you have this life now and you...

Hungry Ghost Realm

We have been learning about the different realms within Samsara and in the last podcast we learned about the dangers of the animal realm and why we don't want to take rebirth there. Today we are going to learn about the hungry ghost realm. This realm is considered to be even lower than the animal realm because it is fraught with even more suffering. The hungry ghost realm is seen as the second lowest floor within the prison of Samsara. You are probably wondering what a hungry ghost is. They are spirit entities that are starving and thirsty. They have families, like we do. They can have husbands and wives and children, but all of them are starving and unable to quench their thirst. It is extremely difficult for them to find any food or water at all. They have long lives filled with suffering. Their stomachs are bloated from hunger and they have very long, thin necks which make it very troublesome to swallow even the tiniest amount of food or water if they are lucky enough to fin...