The god realm is the opposite to the hell realm that we looked at last week. This realm is the most difficult to take rebirth in, whereas hell is the easiest. That is because we have a tendency to be self grasping and do negative actions to benefit ourselves, rather than doing things to benefit others. Society today glorifies selfish, greedy people and ways of living, which exacerbates these tendencies and makes it impossible to take rebirth in a god realm. We need a massive amount of positive karma to be able to be born in a higher realm. This means we have to spend most of, if not all of our time benefiting others, instead of always trying to fulfill our own desires. We need to engage in virtuous actions such as giving, having patience, wishing others to be happy and so forth. The more time we spend helping others the better our chances of being born in the god realm in the future will be. There are three levels of the god realm, which are desire, form and formless. Desire lev...