Lending items or money to anyone can lead to many problems and create negative karma. Whenever we lend anything, we expect to get it back. If the item or money is not returned this causes problems for everyone. The person that borrowed the item has then stolen it, and will have to deal with all the negative karma that creates for them. The person that lent the item is now upset and angry over having lost it and that is negative karma they are creating for themselves, too. Friendships can be lost, fights can break out all because you lend things.
If you cannot part with the money or item that someone is asking to borrow from you, then do not lend it. Tell them you are unable to help them out at this time. Sure, they may become upset, but that should be short lived. If they are your friend, then they will remain your friend. If they are someone that is just trying to take advantage of you, they will go elsewhere because they will learn they cannot do that to you. You are not being mean if you do not lend someone something. You are preventing any harm from occurring. You are preventing any negative karma from happening.
Now, if someone asks to borrow something and you have no attachment to it and can easily let it go then it is best to give it to them rather than lending it. Just let them have it and tell them to keep it. If they choose to return it, you can take it back, but do not expect to have the item or money returned to you. It is better to give things then to lend them. Giving is a virtuous action and you will gain good karma, rather than risking any negative karma that may occur if you lend things.
On the flip side, you do not want to borrow things or money from anyone either, for the same reasons. Learn to do without. Whatever it is you need the money or item for, save up to get it or do without it, but try not to borrow or use credit cards. If you fail to return it or pay it back, you give yourself lifetimes of negative karma to work out. It is not worth it. It is better to do without borrowing, than to go through all the suffering that may come from it.
If you borrow money from the bank or use credit cards, you may think you will not incur any negative karma if you are unable to pay it back because it is a business, but that is not true. In fact you will gain far more negative karma than you realize, due to the collective karma involved. You will impact every employee, every patron , every share holder and the insurance company and all it's employees, customers and shareholders, too. We have to be so careful with the things we do, because they impact us with suffering for many, many lifetimes ahead of us. It just isn't worth it.
Try your best to get through life without borrowing or lending anything if you can.
Find the podcast for this here: https://youtu.be/pfsn7d9PBnY
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