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Showing posts from November, 2022

Messages from Father Sky

The spirit that calls himself Father Sky shared these messages with me. He said the sky and the earth should be regarded as equally important to human beings for both are required for them to live healthy lives. He says we need to eat more food from the earth, more natural foods and not the food that comes from factories. He says that everyone needs to pray for love for all beings. He says that women are important, but that has been forgotten by some people. He is working to heal and fix that. When it comes to pipe ceremonies Father Sky says he takes the smoke from the pipe to where it is needed or requested to go through the prayers. He likes being offered the pipe to smoke during the ceremony and that he is the air we breathe through the pipe. Thank you for taking the time to read these messages. We hope they will be of benefit to you. Listen to the podcast here:

Anger the Second Poison

In the last podcast, we learned that we all suffer from three poisons, attachment, anger and ignorance. We looked at the topic of attachment in that podcast. Today we will examine anger and how it poisons our mind and causes us great suffering. We have all experienced anger at different times in our life. Some of us experience this emotion daily. The more familiar we are with feeling this emotion the easier it is for anger to arise within us. You may know of people that get angry at every little thing or people that are so stressed out in their life that they fly off the handle easily. Our anger can consume us. I grew up in a such a dysfunctional family, and I was angry most of my young life at the unfair treatment my brothers and I had to go through. When you grow up in a toxic environment of abuse, it is easy to have a mind familiar with anger. On the other end, I have known people that claim they don't get angry anymore and then watched them get angry at some point later ...

Attachment the First Poison

We all suffer from the three poisons. You may have heard me pray to overcome those at the beginning of these podcasts. The three poisons are attachment, anger and ignorance. The three are closely intertwined. Some believe the three are equal in the damage they do, while some believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. They believe that ignorance creates anger and attachment. Today we will be focusing on attachment and the damage it creates, so that you can learn how to free yourself from this poison. Attachment is the feeling we get whenever we desire something. We are attached to things we are afraid of losing. We can be attached to people, animals, spirits, material possessions, places, jobs, ways of being, ways of living, belief systems, expectations and mostly ourselves. We become attached to the idea of wanting to be happy all the time. We can become attached to anything really. We may not think there is anything wrong with feeling attachment, but there is real danger t...

Try to Give Rather Than Lend

Lending items or money to anyone can lead to many problems and create negative karma. Whenever we lend anything, we expect to get it back. If the item or money is not returned this causes problems for everyone. The person that borrowed the item has then stolen it, and will have to deal with all the negative karma that creates for them. The person that lent the item is now upset and angry over having lost it and that is negative karma they are creating for themselves, too. Friendships can be lost, fights can break out all because you lend things. If you cannot part with the money or item that someone is asking to borrow from you, then do not lend it. Tell them you are unable to help them out at this time. Sure, they may become upset, but that should be short lived. If they are your friend, then they will remain your friend. If they are someone that is just trying to take advantage of you, they will go elsewhere because they will learn they cannot do that to you. You are not being me...

The Measure of Success

In these degenerate times and backwards ways of living, people obviously measure success by completely backwards standards. I feel sorry for everyone that has fallen into this trap. I fell for it when I was young because I did not know any better, but eventually found my way out. The more people that get sucked into trying to impress others with their wealth and status or even with the crimes they have committed, the worse their future will be. Sadly, when people value what is actually completely worthless and look up to those individuals that are totally immersed in ignorance, society degrades at an amazing rate. The future is looking dim for those people. We can measure the success of a community based on the worst conditions that can be found within it. Are there homeless people? Are there poor sections filled with crime, addictions and low standards of living? Then that shows the real success of that community. It's not the rich sections, the biggest or tallest buildings, th...

The Dangers of Manifesting

Well, believe it or not, but we are still on the topic of karma. I told you it was a huge topic, which is why it is taking so many podcasts to cover. We have looked at personal karma, collective karma, how to protect your positive karma and how to purify your negative karma. Now we are going to learn about some of the dangerous things charlatans pretending to be spiritual people are teaching you that is causing you harm. We live in degenerate times, which I am sure by now you have heard me say many times. During this time period the most popular spirituality is false spirituality. In fact, some of it is downright dangerous to your well being. The main problem is humans and their egos or self cherishing. Some of it is just from laziness. Too many people want everything to happen instantly, they have no patience to wait and work towards making things truly worthwhile. They value things that are harmful to them. Okay, so some of the people giving spiritual advice may honestly mean...