If you want to reduce some of the troubles you find yourself having, then try to let go of your expectations. Expectations can bring us a lot of problems. If we expect things to happen in our life and then they don't, we can become miserable. If we expect people to treat us a certain way and they don't, we may become upset. When we place expectations on ourselves, we can be disappointed if we don't meet those demands. We need to learn that we can become very attached to our expectations and this can make things seem worse than they really are. Expectations affect every aspect of our lives. We need to let go of some of them. It is good practice to try your best to reduce your expectations in life. This will help to give you more peace, as you won't be getting as upset at how things happen around you. You will be more content in your life when you learn to accept things as they are more. If you examine your life and your behaviours, do find you have a lot of e...